TEMPEST BLOCK TEMPEST Release Date: 10/13/97 Set Size: 350 Cards (110 Rares, 110 Uncommons, 110 Commons, 20 Basic Lands) 气 Expansion Symbol: 0 Expansion Code: TMP Languages: Chinese-T, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish Set overview: Tempest featured a lot of cards designed around aggressive gameplay. As compared to the previous sets, creatures and spells played a lot faster — so a lot of the cards from this set are still highly desired today. Key cards include Ancient Tomb, Wasteland, and Intuition. Stronghold, Mox Diamond, Rare, S325. STRONGHOLD Release Date: 3/2/98 Set Size: 143 Cards (44 Rares, 44 Uncommons, 55 Commons) Expansion Symbol: ■卅■ Expansion Code: STH Languages: Cliinese-T, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean. Portuguese, Spanish Set overview: The second set of the Tempest block, Stronghold has two of the most popular cards in Magic: Mox Diamond, a powerful tournament card, and Sliver Queen, a highly desired casual favorite. The two couldn't be more different in application, but both are worth a lot of money. Color-Coded Expansion Symbols Denoting Rarity Prior to Exodus, people had to either know the Rarity of cards (Rare/Uncommon/Common) from official sources, or guess at the Rarity based on what the card did. There was also no indication of just how many cards were in a given set. Starting with Exodus, Wizards introduced two new card features to solve these issues: Rarity symbols and a collector number. Color-Coded Rarity Symbols: Each level of Rarity was given a color for the set's expansion symbol, which is a bridge. To this day. this is still in effect: Common: Black or White Uncommon: Silver Rare: Gold Mythic: Red Timeshifted: Purple A card collector number was also added to the bottom of the cards. This showed how many cards were in each set, and gave each unique card a unique collector number. The cards were numbered alphabetically by color, starting with White, then Blue, Black, Red and Green. The full order for collector number: Colorless (not artifact/land), White, Blue, Black, Red, Green, Multicolor, Hybrid Multicolor, Ai'tifact, Non-Basic Land, Basic Land. Illus. Pete Wnter*^ ・ 1998 Wizard* of the O.ut. !r . \294 4 J Tlie collector card number is after the copyright information・ Tliis shows that Survival of the Fittest is the 129th card out of 143 in the set. EXODUS Release Date: 6/15/98 Set Size: 143 Cards (44 Rares, 44 Uncommons, 55 Commons) Expansion Symbol:护7 Expansion Code: EXO Languages: Cliinese-T, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish Set overview: The last set of the Tempest block, Exodus is most memorable for the addition of color-coded Rarity expansion symbols and collector numbers on the cards. Key cards include Survival of the Fittest and City of Traitors. Please send email to [email protected] if you have any questions.